Agharo 09 – Nicky Elisabeth (Iruhen – The Rise)

The Agharo Mix Series

Agharo is a language, book, philosophy and tarot deck created by collective member Jaco Perroud. Each month we invite a guest to pick a card at random and create a mix inspired by its meaning.

Our 9th submission comes from one of Nicky Elisabeth (Kompakt), the founder of Navalon and resident of De Marktkantine (Amsterdam).

20180602 Nicky Studio Amsterdam4844

The Card

Pinnacle of life, simplicity. Stripping off of unneeded baggage. Happiness, reason, compromise, matureness. caution. Time to settle. Iruhen was man becoming an adult, there was simplicity and happiness hand by hand with reason and compromise, no risks to be taken, but facing responsibility for Emkel and finding a balance. This Card belongs to the Seasons series.

Seasons, they speak about the world, our surrounding. They advise and give council on how to approach life as a big picture. Also tell about what was and what’s coming. Each season has its own qualities. The bearer needs to recognise in them what he reflects, what he needs. This card will point you in a direction, not necessarily with the strength of a command but rather guide you.

What was the thinking behind this mix?

It’s really a lucky and nice coincidence that in many ways this tarot card is very relatable to my current life. This phase is a beautiful one, to come to a point where you can let go of unnecessary things and be able focus on what’s truly important. If we manage to do this, in the end, life becomes extremely blissful.

In the mixtape I tried to grasp the different phases of growing up. From the turbulent teens to the wild twenties and to finally becoming an adult; With all the unexpected turns, dark days, magical nights and anything in between.

When listening, try to think of your own journey, the complicated moments and the unforgettable memories. To maybe in the end, like Iruhen, also strip off your unneeded baggage.