PREMIERE – Otto Taimela – Shimmer (EABE)

”Discontinuity” as a release is my attempt by “Otto Taimela” trying to be unpredictable with electronic music, even though all tracks are based on loops. The main focus of this EP is trying to approach a cleaner sound while maintaining a warm comforting dreamscape. These songs have been inspired by clear water and the sounds of insects. All tracks of this release have hidden structures, so if you listen closely to certain components you hopefully get your brain zapped in a good stimulating way.

This EP is a charity release and all profit will be donated to the ongoing crisis of Yemen through Finn Church Aid. Please donate here:

With this message, we are happy to premiere “Shimmer” from this release. If you are into arps and dreams then this is for you.

Release Date: 25/09/2020

Grab your copy here

Follow: EABE Records / Otto Taimela