Agharo 06 – Lucid Drop

The Agharo Mix Series

Agharo is a language, book, philosophy and tarot deck created by collective member Jaco Perroud. Each month we invite a guest to pick a card at random and create a mix inspired by its meaning. Next up is our good friend Leo Daher aka Lucid Drop, a rising star in the Beirut scene.

The Card ;

Knowledge, transfixed into symbols from language, shows itself as a the main tool to approach the all surrounding. Knowledge as determining limit of the (our) world. Everything possible is within its boundaries. Wisdom is amplitude. The more we know, the bigger our language. Achieved wisdom makes us stronger, brightening our path, letting us see reality with more clarity, about the reason of things, it helps us accept evil and choose good instead.

What was the thinking behind this mix?

The inspiration came from the subjective way mankind perceives and absorbs knowledge , short transitions correlate to the concept of how quickly one can use that knowledge to define an idea or thought .The mix emerged with ones sense of self and mind as it moves from the ego into the super ego all the way to the rushing ID (hence the higher tempo) it correlates to the logical mind vs emotional mind as well as the peaceful mind vs the troubled mind and how each alteration can impact our perception of what knowledge we gain, in each situation we face.