Sinchi & Friends 20 – Izabel

Number 20 in the Sinchi & Friends Mix Series is the fantastic Izabel. Bringing some feminine energy to our series (about time) …. Izabel is based in Amsterdam and running the Lullabies for Insomniacs label (that evolved out of a radio show hosted by Izabel Caligiore on Melbourne station 106.7 PBS FM). We’re big fans and sure you are going to be too….


1)Who are you?
I’m Izabel, Melbourne born and raised, now living in Amsterdam.

2)How would you describe your sound?

3)What are your plans for 2016?
I plan to hold on tight, the first half went so fast


4)    Which track in the mix is your favourite right now?

They are all special for different reasons. For the purposes of the question I’ll say Lara Saint Paul ‘Voodoo Lady’ it’s the most recent record I got in that’s included in this mix.

5)    What was the last record you bought?

The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa – Free-d – amazing ambient from the 90’s

6) What is your favourite track of the last 12 months?

For me it always changes…..I’ll say  Goat – It’s time for fun (the song at the start of my mix). The song was released last year on 7inch after the Swedish group spent time in NY and Brazil recording.

I love everything about this psychedelic anthem, the playful lyrics, arpeggiated synth, pulsating percussion and of course the hypnotic bass.


7) Late nights or early mornings?

 It’s the night time that flatters

8) Favourite frequency ?

 The resonant frequency

9) Do you fit in or fall out?

Fall over

10) 606 , 707 , 808 or 909 … Or something else ? DMX , SP12 ….


 11) Trance in 2 words?

 Let’s go

 12) Glass half full or half empty?

Depends what’s in the glass…

13) Favourite film score?

 One that moves me each listen is Edward Artemyev’s ‘Stalker’

 14) Favourite reverb ?

 My Nonna’s bathroom 

15) A necessary evil…

Me with no coffee